ethOS (preliminary) VEGA Support!

At long last! AMD RX Vega support for ethOS is available.

This is a preliminary implementation, and some features are incomplete / not yet implemented.

You can be add this support for RX Vega 56/64/Frontier Edition in the 1.3.1 version of ethOS by doing the following:

sudo hotfix vega-support

Current limitations:

No equihash/zcash miner currently supports Vega. Once a miner that is capable of mining equihash on Vega is updated, we will update to it.

Power usage is not displayed correctly on the statistics panel, as the GPU outputs it differently from other RX gpus. However, Power Limiting by using pwr does work as intended and can be used to bring down your power usage.

Claymore-xmr/sgminer-gm-xmr performance is not up to expectations. It is advised to use claymore and mine your ETHASH coin of choice at this time.

WARNING: You cannot mix RX Vega GPUs with other AMD RX 4xx/5xx GPUs currently due to differences in the openCL platform used between the devices.

Please feel free to list any issues you may encounter in the comments, but be mindful not to duplicate issues that have already been reported.