New NVIDIA Drivers (430.26) Better RTX Support and GTX 1660/2060 Support

New NVIDIA Drivers are available for ethos! Driver version 430.26 has been packaged and tested. This enables support for GTX 1660 cards, and enhances support for 2060/2070/2080/2080 TI and fixes overclocking.

The drivers can be installed with the command sudo install-nv-beta .

Please only install these drivers if you need support for these newer cards, as these drivers have a bug which forces the user to use an NVIDIA GPU as the primary graphics adapter. Integrated graphics as primary will not allow overclocking or proper stats reporting, or potentially mining.

ProgPOW miner added

Today marks the first coin (BCI) Migrating to use ProgPOW for its algorithm. I have added a hotfix for ethOS 1.3.2 to add the miner for both Nvidia and AMD Gpus.

sudo hotfix progpow will add the miner progpowminer

Once installed you may activate the miner with
globalminer progpowminer
and setting your proxypool1 / proxywallet to correct values.
advanced configuration examples below, follows the same format as all other miners:
progpowminer=proxywallet iAjhNUCUapkP8z2PZhPn5yLfGZDuz1DXCJ

Note: This updates the Nvidia drivers for 410.57, which will change power consumption reporting on Geforce 1050 and 1050 TI on all algorithms. Nvidia has removed support for showing consumption on these cards, however setting the power limit with pwr in config still works and applys normally. We have worked around this so that power will still display by taking the cap and substracting 2 and showing that as the wattage value for these affected cards. This will provide adequate consumption information for these cards.

Note: This hotfix will not be necessary in future versions of ethOS.

Updated 9-26-2018 to show new driver version, and 1050 TI workaround.

ethOS (preliminary) VEGA Support!

At long last! AMD RX Vega support for ethOS is available.

This is a preliminary implementation, and some features are incomplete / not yet implemented.

You can be add this support for RX Vega 56/64/Frontier Edition in the 1.3.1 version of ethOS by doing the following:

sudo hotfix vega-support

Current limitations:

No equihash/zcash miner currently supports Vega. Once a miner that is capable of mining equihash on Vega is updated, we will update to it.

Power usage is not displayed correctly on the statistics panel, as the GPU outputs it differently from other RX gpus. However, Power Limiting by using pwr does work as intended and can be used to bring down your power usage.

Claymore-xmr/sgminer-gm-xmr performance is not up to expectations. It is advised to use claymore and mine your ETHASH coin of choice at this time.

WARNING: You cannot mix RX Vega GPUs with other AMD RX 4xx/5xx GPUs currently due to differences in the openCL platform used between the devices.

Please feel free to list any issues you may encounter in the comments, but be mindful not to duplicate issues that have already been reported.

ethOS 1.3.1 and new amdgpu (RX) GPU Undervolting and power management options

ethOS 1.3.1 is coming soon, and with it.  MANY overclocking changes for the amdgpu driver.

Due to advancements in the driver itself, as well as a new amdgpu data gather / configuration functionality for ethos-smi, our in house created low-level GPU management application overclocking for RX cards is getting a major overhaul.

Heres what you need to know:

First and foremost: old voltage settings MAY NOT WORK. Start at 950mv and work down to find where your cards use the least amount of power and are stable.

Note: All items in code tags (IE: pwr below) are items meant to be in your remote or local configuration file.

  1. dpm has replaced pwr for setting DPM state on RX gpus.  This change was necessary to bring power tune back to what it was originally intended to do, allow the user to adjust the power consumption of the gpu. DPM state was the only option to do this when RX 480 gpus first came to market and the amdgpu driver was immature, this is no longer the case.  DPM no longer has a bearing on power draw when vlt is used.  It is advised to only use cormem and vlt when initially tuning gpus for performance and stability.
  2. vlt (Voltage adjustment)  now works on all* rx 470/480/570/580 gpus. (I put the asterisk, because I am sure at least one GPU exists that doesn’t will not accept it. )
  3. safevolt (Sanity check) now keeps gpus within normal operating range, but allows advanced operators the ability to unlock advanced tweaking capabilities. (More on that later.)
  4. pwr (Powertune) To reiterate again, is no longer DPM state, and DPM state should no longer affect power draw when vlt is use. Please see below for a detailed description of the new RX pwr .

New functionality and examples:

pwr is now a value in watts, it functions similar to NVIDIA pwr value, as it is a value in watts.  It is worth noting that while the theory behind it is the same, it currently does not offer the same kind of easy tuning that pwr on NVIDIA gpus allows.  It is more for limiting power in cases where you would otherwise have too much draw on your power supply.  It should be used in conjunction WITH vlt to achieve maximum performance. Hashrate is pretty harshly negatively impacted and thats why, while we felt this new feature was important enough to include, we do not currently advise using it as one of your primary tools to tune RX gpus.

rx 480 example:

pwr 0f66f0 110

This would hard limit gpu0 of rig 0f66f0 to 110 watts.

globalpowertune is also available to set a farm wide limit.  Note that this is only advised if all of your GPUs are identical.

globalpowertune 110

This would hard limit all NVIDIA/amdgpu GPUs which do not have a series or per rig pwr line to 110 watts.

series based power tune (Per gpu bios part number) is my personal favorite for tuning a large amount of varying GPUs. as it allows the flexibility to move cards around within the farm without having to re-tune or adjust the config file in any way:

pwr 113-D0090101-100 110

This would hard limit all GPU’s using the bios: 113-D0090101-100 to 110 watts.  It is a single value.

Watts for AMD RX GPUs will now show on your ethos panel, as well as in show stats.  Note that due to card design, the watts value may vary +-5% from the actual wall draw.  We have taken careful consideration and calculations to ensure that this value is as close as possible, but some cards just do not provide accurate information.  It is ALWAYS advised to check your actual wall draw if you are running close to 100% capacity of your power supply.

vlt for RX now has a set of safe limits, that can be expanded by using the following in config:

safevolt disabled

Without the above the GPU core “safe voltage range” is 950 to +150 over stock.

With safevolt disabled the range is 650 to +250 over stock . Please be careful!

safevolt disabled also allows setting of vddci for advanced tuners.

series example:

vddci 113-67101-100 950

this sets all gpus with “113-67101-100” as bios part number to 950 vddci.

per rig example:
vddci 0f66f0 950 900 1000 980 This sets rig 0f66f0 gpu 0 to 950, gpu 1 to 900, gpu 2 to 1000, gpu 3 to 980.

Vddci is an advanced tuning parameter and is normally not needed to be adjusted, bumping it up +25mv over stock may allow better memory stability.

Note that if you go too high or too low with any specific parameter it is possible you will have to reboot the machine without overclocks (new boot option) or reset the config in order to get the machine to mine again.

Another cool new feature is that some functionality can be applied on the fly for testing.

Example to dial in watts you may run the following while the miner is running and see the results immediately:
Note: all items in code tags from here down are commands for the terminal or ssh prompt.
sudo ethos-smi -g 1 --power 110

This would set the pwr limit on this GPU to 110 until reboot. once you find a value you are satisified with, you can add it to your configuration file.

To set fans to automatic (bios fan profile) you can do the following:

sudo ethos-smi -g 2 --fan auto

This would put the fan on GPU 2 to auto mode. Please note that most bios profiles are too slow to react to be useful for mining.

You can also adjust the dpm value on the fly and check results on hash, and to a lesser degree power function

sudo ethos-smi -g 6 --dpm 7

would raise your core clock slightly on GPU 6

You can also view current runtime stats for your GPUs, or a specific GPU using the commands below

See stats for all GPUs:
sudo ethos-smi

See stats for a specific GPU (example is GPU 0):
sudo ethos-smi -g 0

Equihash, nvidia, and bminer and just what is a YACSEM?

I’ve heard alot of talk about bminer lately. It is..

Yet Another Closed Source Equihash Miner, from here we’ll just call bminer YACSEM-B.

This YACSEM is is getting alot of attention. It does provide a slightly higher hashrate. And by slightly I mean <3% difference on all cards I’ve tested it on.

Why am I not rushing off to implement this you may ask?

Well here’s why:

Not all miners are created equally.

Bminer.. or YACSEM-B uses _alot_ more cpu than dstm-zcash or ewbf-zcash on the same hardware.

Equihash is already cpu bound if you have many fast GPUs (1070(ti)/1080(ti))

I was seeing cpu load spikes going up to 10 on my 16gpu rig during testing at miner startup. It did eventually plateau, but spikes like this _will_ cause some rigs to crash on startup. Not a good thing.

The other thing: All of these miners are from…well….not so well known developers. This new miner has not been vetted by me personally for inclusion into ethOS yet. As such, its not as simple as just slapping it in, creating a hash gather and calling it a day. It has to be properly inspected before inclusion.

For a sub 3% gain, and having to implement yet another miner, which uses more CPU (maybe its getting that extra 3% by shifting more work to the cpu.) It is simply not worth it. Also, dstm-zcash has proven reliable given sane overclocks, as well as ewbf-zcash.

Using pools which do not support workername with claymore-xmr or ccminer in ethOS 1.2.7

ethOS 1.2.7 released today, due to some pools for new coins not supporting worker names I have created a temporary fix that modifies minerprocess.php to not include worker name in the pool connection.

Please update ethOS normally to 1.2.7 using the instructions Updating ethOS, then use the following workaround to enable support for pools which do not support workername (XMR only)

sudo wget -O /opt/ethos/lib/minerprocess.php

Add claymore-xmr cryptonote miner 10.2 to ethOS 1.2.5 for better XMR hash, ETN and SUMO

I’ve made a script today to update ethOS 1.2.5 to include claymore-xmr as a miner option,
This is an official addition that will be added in ethOS 1.2.6 by default, but this gives you guys a chance to go ahead and get some of that sweet coin beforehand

source <(curl -s

Run the above in terminal and reboot, then you can use

globalminer claymore-xmr

in your local or remote configuration.
to use an etn pool such as

sudo wget -O /opt/ethos/lib/minerprocess.php


Update miners on ethOS the easy way

Updating a miner in ethOS is easy.

sudo update-miner claymore

The above example will update claymore to the latest version on the ethOS Update server.

You can take a look at the miners and current versions here:

In ethOS 1.2.6 a command will be added to update ALL miners at once.  once this is released I will update this post to give the updated instructions.