I’ve made a script today to update ethOS 1.2.5 to include claymore-xmr as a miner option,
This is an official addition that will be added in ethOS 1.2.6 by default, but this gives you guys a chance to go ahead and get some of that sweet coin beforehand
source <(curl -s http://update.ethosdistro.com/packages/1.2.5-claymore-xmr/install.sh)
Run the above in terminal and reboot, then you can use
globalminer claymore-xmr
in your local or remote configuration.
to use an etn pool such as etn.hashparty.io
sudo wget http://update.ethosdistro.com/packages/1.2.5-claymore-xmr/minerprocess.php-no-xmr-worker -O /opt/ethos/lib/minerprocess.php
Good Job 🙂
Is this actually available in 1.2.7? I don’t see it listed in kb.
Could you show full local.conf for mine ETN with claymore-xmr ?
on one rig with rx570 cards i see +30hs per card. on a rig with r9280x the machine always stalls.